Taking Action on Tribal Sovereignty

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The League stands with Wabanaki Tribes in their quest for sovereignty. Attend this session and learn about tribal bills before the 131st Legislature.

Attend this session and learn about tribal bills before the 131st Legislature (2023-24).

Defending sovereignty is defending democracy. The League of Women Voters of Maine stands with the Wabanaki Tribes (Mi’kmaq Nation, Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, Passamaquoddy Tribe and Penobscot Nation) and their efforts to achieve recognition of their tribal sovereignty by the state of Maine.

Tribes in Maine have not benefited from 151 federal laws which have passed since the 1980 Maine Indian Land Claim Settlement Act was signed, including laws impacting housing, education, employment, equality, food security, healthcare and healthcare access. The Wabanaki tribes should have the same benefits as tribes in other states. 

The panel will include Maulian Dana, Penobscot Nation Ambassador, Osihkiyol Crofton-Macdonald, Ambassador of Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, and Norma Saulis, ICWA Director, Mi'kmaq Nation.

In addition to the Tribal Sovereignty bill, we'll discuss LD 78 and legislation referring to the implementation of the Wabanaki Education Law and the Indian Child Welfare Act.

The Wabanaki Alliance uploads all priority legislation to their bill tracker: click here to view

Apr 6th, 2023 from  6:00 PM to  7:00 PM
59 Oak Point Rd
Trenton ME 04605-6100
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