Tabling at Common Ground Fair

Sorry Registration for this event ended on Sep 21st, 2023 5:00 PM
 Registration is closed for this event
LWVME is tabling at the Common Ground Fair in Unity Friday, September 22nd, through Sunday, September 24th. Come join us!

It's that time of year again: the start of fall and, with it, the Common Ground Fair! Common Ground is always an excellent opportunity for the League of Women Voters of Maine to share information about November elections, but this year it's an especially important opportunity because there are eight (that's right, eight!) statewide ballot questions.

Come table with us and have a chance to share information with fairgoers about these ballot questions, as well as the League's forthcoming advocacy efforts on tribal sovereignty and National Popular Vote. Sign up for whichever day is best for you and we will be in touch about what shift you would like, morning or afternoon. (And don't worry about needing to know about these issues in order to table! We can fill you in, plus we'll have educational materials at the table that you can reference.)

The fair runs from 9am-6pm on Friday and Saturday and 9am-5pm on Sunday. LWVME staff will be tabling with you, so you will have an opportunity to learn more about the League's ongoing projects and also take breaks to experience the fair! We have several tickets to provide to volunteers to cover the cost of admission.

Sep 24th, 2023 from  9:00 AM to  5:00 PM
294 Crosby Brook Rd
Unity ME 04988-4027
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