LWV-Portland Area Book Group

Sorry Registration for this event ended on Sep 28th, 2023 7:00 PM
 Registration is closed for this event
Check out Cheap Speech, a book about how disinformation poisons our politics — and how to cure it.

Cheap Speech

What’s the LWVPA’s Next Book?

CHEAP SPEECH: How disinformation poisons our politics – and how to cure it

By Richard L. Hasen 

Timely, right? Just before an election with hot referendum questions. A year before another presidential election.  A guide to future work to help change things.

Get the book now and join us to discuss. Please RSVP below!



Sep 28th, 2023 from  6:00 PM to  7:00 PM
59 Oak Point Rd
Trenton ME 04605-6100
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